Thursday, February 2, 2012


I watched this episode last night and I thought it would be a perfect example to show effective use of persuasion.

In the beginning Phoebe explains to Ross that she doesn't believe in evolution, Ross is baffled. Throughout the clip Ross explains his argument of why Phoebe should believe in evolution, backing it up with factual information. This is a technique most useful in trying to persuade an audience. Supporting your beliefs with factual information will give your audience a moment of clarity, "Oh, this is not only she/his belief, it is actually proven."

Phoebe persists on her beliefs. Frustrated, Ross tries a different approach and brings in visual aids. While Ross is still trying to convince Phoebe that evolution is real, he now engages her to use her sight to see fossils that prove evolution. Using visual aids can also be helpful when trying to persuade an audience. Sure mentioning the facts has an impact, but, when an audience is shown a graph, photo, or artifact of proof, you have successfully engaged two of their senses, hearing and seeing. Phoebe is shocked and admits she didn't know you could see the work of evolution on fossils. However, she continues to stand by her view.

Even more frustrated than before, Ross uses a current example of evolution; opposable thumbs. This is another effective way to persuade your audience. Drawing in current events or in this case a current use of thumbs brought on by evolution, allowed Phoebe to relate. If the audience is able to relate to your beliefs, they can better understand your point.

Ross is beyond fed up and brings in a brief case full of scientific facts. Presents it to Phoebe, and Phoebe is not buying it. This is the amazing part. Phoebe takes Ross' argument and flips it on him. She makes him question his own beliefs by implicating her beliefs on him. Phoebe ask Ross, "Is there any chance you could be wrong?" And Ross uses that one ounce of doubt that he could be wrong and disregards everything he was trying to persuade Phoebe on. What Ross tried to accomplish in a matter of days, Phoebe accomplishes in a minute. This is a great way to show that you need to stick to your belief in order to persuade others.

1 comment:

  1. It is important to stick with our own beliefs when we try to persuade other people; however, sometimes it may lead us to a place where there is not mutual agreement of solving the problem. Therefore, if we sense there are some wrong things in our beliefs, it is better to change it rather than try to ignore the fact! Good point!
