Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Oops is right, it looks like someone didn't practice their public speaking techniques.

These are professionals, they should be able to hold a good rhetoric composure. I mean if they can't do it, can we? As I'm writing this I'm worried about a speech I have to give tomorrow. I know the material, however, knowing that I need to use my rhetoric to cast the audiences attention is important. Not to mention, I also have to get the professor to engage in my rhetorical audience. 

So, I thought about how to do this and I came up with 3 ideas.
1) Make sure to have visuals so that the audience can see what I am discussing. 
2) Allow for the audience to engage in my presentation, by asking them questions.
3) Lastly, make sure I'm speaking with clarity and know what I am discussing, unlike Rick Perry.

Along with my presentation, I have to hand out a sheet with bullet pointed information. From our class discussion last week, I now am aware that bolded, italicized, underlined, size 14, vs size 15 font matters. While preparing the worksheet, I stuck to a font that was easy to read and did not seem juvenile. Also, I made sure the font was big enough to be read but not too big that it distracted the reader. Also, when choosing the font color, I didn't go with anything colorful because I knew it would also take away from the seriousness of the information presented. Lastly, I made sure to bold, italicize and underline only when the information needed to be emphasized. 

Wish me luck on my presentation! Maybe you'll take some tips from here and use it in your future presentations!

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