Saturday, April 28, 2012


Welcome to my e-Portfolio! 
My name is Karen Villacis and I am an undergraduate student at The Pennsylvania State University. As a student part of the Liberal Arts College, as well as an aspiring Paterno Fellow, learning how to use rhetoric correctly and effectively is very important to me. I have built this e-Portfolio, titling it Kaleidoscope because to me, it signifies a change in pattern and style that will occur throughout my education here at Penn State. I will continue to develop my rhetoric skills and therefore refining them to my greatest ability. 
This year, throughout the Spring 2012 semester I have learned how to usefully communicate through oral, visual, digital, and written mediums. With multiple compositions, podcast, and digital works, I have undoubtably strengthened the way I communicate using these different modalities. Looking back, a few of of my abilities stand out. When writing a piece that focuses on using emotion, my ability has certainly grown. If emotion is used to motive a reader or simply strengthen an argument, I have refined my ability to do so by using pathos to channel in a reader. Pathos is a theme that is apparent throughout the compositions section of my e-Portfolio. I have also expanded on my skills of public speaking and podcast creation. Using oral and digital communication can be very effective for a rhetorical audience because instead of simply reading, they can hear music or see an image, thus, you as the presenter, are engaging a variety of senses to your piece. Lastly,I have found my voice throughout the multiple assignments this semester. I have found my unique way of writing and speaking that I believe are memorable to a reader or listener. Therefore, I hope you find my collection of works as enjoyable as I do! Please feel free to leave comments or contact me with any questions.
Without further adieu, I present to you my e-Portfolio: Karen's e-Portfolio

Monday, April 2, 2012


We have many networking sites. Facebook, Myspace, and the new and upcoming networking site, Twitter.

I took a quick interest in Twitter. We talk about exigence and how when an event happens many people post a status on Facebook about how they feel about the situation. For example, when Joe Paterno died. So many people posted RIP and others wrote, "I still don't agree with what he did but RIP". Twitter is a way to let out how one feels when anything goes wrong.

Looking through some of my tweets, I read some that say, "kid sitting across from me close your mouth when you chew". This is a great example of how when the kid across from me was eating dinner so loud and I couldn't tell him to stop, and none of my friends were around. So I tweeted it. I let out how I was feeling before the opportunity was gone. Kairos and exigences at its finest. Actually, when going through other peoples twitters, I read tweets just like mine. In situations where they were uncomfortable or needed to say something it was clear in a tweet.
Here are some examples of tweets that I have tweeted that are great examples of exigence.

"and your not a bad ass quit acting like one" (I was mad at my friend and clearly could not say this to her face)

"Computer lab is so hot wtfff I need the ac" (I was in a class and wanted to scream from how hot it was in my classroom, and I couldn't, so i tweeted it instead.) 

"Dumb girl asked her friend if a nickle was 10 cents ... No. That wud be a dime" (I was in the study lounge, and as unbelievable as this tweet sounds, its true. I wanted to get up and tell the girl personally the difference between a dime, a nickel, a penny, and a quarter. I couldn't, so once again, I used exigence through twitter. 

If your a person who has a lot to say I highly recommend getting a twitter!