Saturday, April 28, 2012


Welcome to my e-Portfolio! 
My name is Karen Villacis and I am an undergraduate student at The Pennsylvania State University. As a student part of the Liberal Arts College, as well as an aspiring Paterno Fellow, learning how to use rhetoric correctly and effectively is very important to me. I have built this e-Portfolio, titling it Kaleidoscope because to me, it signifies a change in pattern and style that will occur throughout my education here at Penn State. I will continue to develop my rhetoric skills and therefore refining them to my greatest ability. 
This year, throughout the Spring 2012 semester I have learned how to usefully communicate through oral, visual, digital, and written mediums. With multiple compositions, podcast, and digital works, I have undoubtably strengthened the way I communicate using these different modalities. Looking back, a few of of my abilities stand out. When writing a piece that focuses on using emotion, my ability has certainly grown. If emotion is used to motive a reader or simply strengthen an argument, I have refined my ability to do so by using pathos to channel in a reader. Pathos is a theme that is apparent throughout the compositions section of my e-Portfolio. I have also expanded on my skills of public speaking and podcast creation. Using oral and digital communication can be very effective for a rhetorical audience because instead of simply reading, they can hear music or see an image, thus, you as the presenter, are engaging a variety of senses to your piece. Lastly,I have found my voice throughout the multiple assignments this semester. I have found my unique way of writing and speaking that I believe are memorable to a reader or listener. Therefore, I hope you find my collection of works as enjoyable as I do! Please feel free to leave comments or contact me with any questions.
Without further adieu, I present to you my e-Portfolio: Karen's e-Portfolio

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